We're building the operating system for generative AI

Concierge exists to solve the last mile problem of generative AI. CPUs aren't much good without an operating system to use them. We think the same applies to foundation AI models like GPT-4.

AI models, while powerful on their own, are not always directly useful to the average knowledge worker, whose tasks are often hyper-specific to their teams, and spread across dozens of different SaaS tools and systems of record.

Today, many of us use general AI tools like ChatGPT on a daily basis, often to solve problems at work. We're also starting to see AI features embedded directly into all of our favorite SaaS tools, making those product experiences significantly better.

These uses of AI are incredible, but still just scratching the surface of what we can do with the raw technology. We believe the real power of AI models can be realized when combined with our other tools, data, and internal processes, to create bespoke workflows and agents that can solve challenges that are unique to our work.

This is why we're building an all-in-one operating system for generative AI, empowering individuals and teams to harness AI in the way that is best suited for them, to get more done at work.

Our Mission

Make AI Useful for Everyday Knowledge Work
Concierge's mission is to make AI useful for everyday knowledge work.

We believe that technology is only as good as what it allows you to accomplish. While we're excited about rapid advances in core AI technology, we're even more excited by the (sometimes mundane) magic moments that everyday knowledge workers experience when seeing AI actually applied to their tasks at work, in scenarios that are unique to them.

Our current focus is on accelerating knowledge work for GTM teams at SaaS companies, but our long-term mission is much broader than that. If we're successful, we'll empower people across all professions and industries to harness the power of AI to create more value from their personal efforts than they've ever been able to in the past.
Sales Development Representative
Unleash your sales prospecting power with personalized lead generation and outreach, crafted by AI.
Marketing Manager
Outsmart the noise with AI-powered content creation and campaign optimization, maximizing your marketing impact.
Customer Success Manager
Delight your customers with proactive support and personalized recommendations, fueled by AI insights.

Our Team

Our team has decades of experience building world-class software products at top Silicon Valley technology companies. Our collective expertise is turning complex, clunky workflows into simple, intuitive applications for end users.

We've done this at companies of all sizes (ranging from startups to big tech), and across a variety of contexts, including AI and Robotics (Cruise, Labelbox, Weights & Biases), vertical SaaS workflows (Benchling, Plangrid), and consumer and SMB markets (Robinhood, Meta, Owner.com).

Rohan Agrawal

Co-Founder and CEO

Ayush Jain

Co-Founder and COO

Chris Setian

Co-Founder and CTO

Min-Young Wu

Founding Engineer

Palash Agarwal

Founding Engineer

Matthias Bayer

Founding Engineer

Austin Bae

Founding Engineer

Join the Concierge team

Explore Careers
Our mission is to empower people and teams to supercharge their productivity by seamlessly integrating generative AI into their daily tasks.
Enhanced productivity requires tailored solutions. Here are examples of how Concierge AI could work for different teams or individuals.

Backed by the Best

Our Values


Customer Outcomes 🎯

We obsess over customer outcomes
We measure our success by the concrete results we achieve for our customers. We are acutely aware that for our customers, AI is just a tool, not an end goal on its own. We take the time to deeply understand our customers' context and goals. We take pride in results and outcomes over buzzwords and platitudes. Customer usage of our product is always nice, but customer wins are what really matter to us.

Championship Standards 🏆

We set world-class standards and strive for excellence.
Concierge is a place for ambitious and curious individuals to do the greatest work of their lives. We deeply value being part of a winning culture and a championship team. We have remarkably high expectations for performance, and we make sure to have exceptional people filling every single role. Concierge team members have a strong work ethic and a sustained track record of excellence. We take pride in, and find fulfillment from, pushing ourselves to accomplish great things.

Craftsmanship 🔨

We dive deep and build with craftsmanship.
We sweat the details. We believe that exceptional products are created through meticulous attention to quality and design. No one at Concierge is ever too senior to dig into the nitty gritty details and do the actual work.

Be Relentless 💪

We are relentless and resilient.
We understand that failure and adversity are inevitable waypoints on the path to success. We value learning and iteration over perfection. We approach challenges and setbacks with remarkable optimism and a determination to bounce back stronger. While we're proud of our accomplishments, we're even more proud of the adversities we've overcome along the way to achieving them.

Stay Humble 🌱

We stay humble.
We seek to learn and understand, rather than to be correct in the moment. We embrace the fact that learning is a lifelong journey, and we acknowledge that we don't have all the answers. We actively seek new perspectives and challenge our assumptions to continuously improve and grow.

Teamwork Dreamwork 🤝

We uplift and support each other.
We understand the power of selflessness and good vibes - we prioritize team wins over personal wins, and we go out of our way to help each other and celebrate each other's successes. We understand that team chemistry is a vital part of building a championship culture, and that creating it takes a deliberate effort from all of us.

Ownership Mindset 🔑

We embrace ownership and accountability.
Everyone at Concierge feels a sense of responsibility and ownership of our company and our mission. We proactively take a deep level of accountability over our work, and everything our work touches. When we encounter problems in any aspect of the business, we ask ourselves what we can do to fix them. We embrace accountability for all company results, even those that are outside the domain of our primary roles.

Gotta Go Fast 💨

We move with tremendous speed and intensity.
Our success depends on how fast we can get things done. When building in new markets, every single day matters. We have a strong bias for action (shipping code over debating ideas). We set timelines that are uncomfortably aggressive, and we tackle them with a combination of effort and strategic thinking (we work both hard and smart).

Integrity Always ⚖️

We build with integrity.
Trust is monumentally important to us. It takes a very long time to build trust, and just a moment to lose it. We act with honesty and transparency in all our interactions, continuously building trust with our customers, partners, investors, and each other. We do what is morally and ethically right, even when it is difficult and even when no one is looking.

Rocketship Growth 🚀

We proactively seek growth.
We embrace learning and development, constantly seeking new knowledge and skills to improve ourselves and our work. We encourage experimentation and take calculated risks to grow and evolve.

Our Perspective

Today’s knowledge work involves a sprawling network of internal SaaS applications, making it difficult to seamlessly incorporate AI into our workflows. Until now, resolving this issue required developers to craft custom AI solutions. We’re creating a better solution.
Foundational generative AI models are just like CPUs.
They can both handle extensive calculations, but they have limited practical utility on their own.
Just as Windows and Mac OS were created to make the computational power of CPUs accessible to everyone…
Concierge AI OS
Concierge AI seeks to do the same for foundational models.