Concierge Agents 💬
Coming Soon

Explore your data and tools

Collaborate with AI agents that have seamless access to your internal tools and knowledge bases. Just talk with your Agents and witness your ideas come to life.
Collaborate with AI agents that have seamless access to your internal tools and knowledge bases. Just talk with your Agents and witness your ideas come to life.
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Build Agents for specific purposes

Our intuitive interface makes it easy to build Agents tailored to any challenge, from brainstorming to decision-making to task execution.
Engage in natural conversations
Chat with your Agent naturally, discussing ideas, posing questions, and collaborating seamlessly.
Create your Agent
Begin by defining your Agent's purpose and tasks without the need for coding – it's as simple as having a conversation.
Watch solutions unfold
Like a personalized AI companion, Your Agent will generate insights, offer suggestions, and aid in decision-making or task completion.
Iterate and improve
Continuously refine and optimize your Agent's performance as your needs evolve. It adapts alongside you.

What can you accomplish with Concierge?

Talk to Your Saas
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Executive Summarizer
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.

Integrate with your tools and data

Agents seamlessly integrate with the tools and data you already use, taking your productivity and collaboration to the next level. They effortlessly integrate with your ecosystem, allowing easy connections to platforms like Slack, Google Drive, Jira, and more.

Make data-driven decisions

Agents simplify data retrieval by providing instant access to information from various sources, including external knowledge bases and repositories. They empower you to make confident, data-driven decisions, shaping your projects and strategies effectively.

Empower your team

A better way to search

These custom-built GenAI applications are designed to transform teamwork, streamline processes, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
Centralized hub
Every Agent operates within a central hub accessible to your entire team, creating a collaborative workspace where you can engage with your Agent and share insights effortlessly.
Secure, easy access
Grant team members access based on their roles and permissions, safeguarding sensitive information while promoting collaboration on specific tasks.
Collaborative decision-making
Harness the power of your Agents to collect input from team members, analyze data, and offer recommendations to guide your team towards well-informed choices.
Share the knowledge
Each Agent becomes a knowledge hub, preserving valuable insights, solutions, and best practices for team guidance and easy access.

Streamline daily operations

Revolutionize your team’s efficiency with structured Workflows. These GenAI apps eliminate the guesswork in repetitive tasks, freeing up time and bandwidth for excellence in other tasks.
  • Leverage a linear series of blocks to automate tasks and boost productivity
  • Connect data and context from documents and familiar tools, such as Slack, Jira, Notion, and more
  • Optimize organization through predictable and guided user experiences
Explore Workflows

Questions? We're happy to help jkjaksldjkljklasjd

Whether you're brainstorming new ideas, seeking to optimize your workflow, or navigating complex projects, Assistants act as your AI-powered partners, always ready to help.
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Streamline daily operations

Revolutionize your team’s efficiency with structured Workflows. These GenAI apps eliminate the guesswork in repetitive tasks, freeing up time and bandwidth for excellence in other tasks.
  • Leverage a linear series of blocks to automate tasks and boost productivity
  • Connect data and context from documents and familiar tools, such as Slack, Jira, Notion, and more
  • Optimize organization through predictable and guided user experiences
Explore Workflows