Concierge Go⚡️

Discover answers to any question

Concierge Go is your daily companion. Brainstorm ideas. Draft a new email. Debug a stack trace. Write a blog post. Search the web. Chat with language models from any provider.
Get to the point with a daily Chat sidekick that understands your unique context, provides direct and relevant answers, and illuminates the information you need effortlessly.
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Your conversational sounding board

Your conversational sounding board

Initiate a rapid chat session whenever you need, driven by any foundational model. Chat serves as your AI companion, intended to kickstart discussions and adapt to your evolving needs and ambitions.
Initiate a rapid chat session whenever you need, driven by any foundational model. Chat serves as your AI companion, intended to kickstart discussions and adapt to your evolving needs and ambitions.
Customize and integrate
Not only can Chat be molded to fit into your existing workflows and systems, you can add your own instructions and customize how Chat responds to your specific needs.
Save and share
Your knowledge is gold. Save the prompts you come up with and share them with colleagues to get everyone on the same page.
Intelligent follow-up
Keep the conversation going with intelligent prompt suggestions that help you dig deeper and get the answers you need.

What can you accomplish with Concierge?

What can you accomplish with Concierge?

Talk to Your Saas
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Executive Summarizer
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.

Model agnostic chatbot

Concierge integrates with LLMs from all providers, ensuring maximum flexibility and equipping your team with the most advanced AI capabilities, even as things rapidly change.

A better way to search

A better way to search

Concierge integrates with LLMs from all providers, ensuring maximum flexibility and equipping your team with the most advanced AI capabilities, even as things rapidly change.
Get direct answers
Unlike traditional search engines that rely on keywords, your Chat companion focuses on understanding your intent and providing accurate, up-to-date, and contextually relevant answers.
See the big picture
Chat synthesizes information from diverse sources, delivering well-rounded answers that bring clarity to complexity, saving time and boosting confidence along the way.
Go ad-free
Chat is an ad-free experience, focusing on delivering high-quality search results without any distractions so that you can stay focused on what matters.