Concierge Workflows 🦾

Step-by-step Workflows for superhuman productivity

Streamline your most repetitive tasks with Workflow apps. Integrate with the rest of your SaaS stack to run AI-powered automations and accomplish more than ever.
Streamline your most repetitive tasks with Workflow apps. Integrate with the rest of your SaaS stack to run AI-powered automations and accomplish more than ever.
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Blow your KPIs
out of the water

Workflows offer a structured and rigorous method for tackling repetitive and well-defined challenges, making it not only possible but easy and enjoyable to accomplish more than ever before.
Automate repetitive tasks
Workflows are the easiest way to start using AI in your day-to-day work. Each workflow is dedicated to solving one specific task, so you can ensure the job gets done right.
Connect your SaaS tools
Automations that make the API calls required for the task at hand. Fetch contents from a Google Doc, post a message to Slack, and create a set of Linear tickets.
Ready to use right away
You and your team can use Workflow apps right after you create them, directly within the Concierge platform. No deployment required.

What can you accomplish with Concierge?

Talk to Your Saas
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Executive Summarizer
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.
Customer Intelligence
Prepare your go to market team before important sales calls
An app that conducts a webscrape across relevant publicly available information, related to a prospective customer, summarizes it and stores it in your CRM.

Collaborate anytime, from anywhere

Share your Workflow apps with other team members, and access them from anywhere, including third-party services such as Slack. This facilitates streamlined collaboration as teams can work on structured processes collectively, enhancing overall productivity and success.

Giving your workspace a backbone

Workflows make sure that your tasks and processes are well-structured, efficient, and coordinated. Plus, they can grow and adapt as your needs change, allowing you and your team to continually strengthen your game. It's like having a built-in superpower for productivity.

Built with blocks

Workflows consist of a series of blocks chained together in a particular order. This linear progression ensures that tasks are completed in a predefined sequence, reducing errors and improving consistency.